6 Myths about CBD You should Stop Believing

Even with the legalization of Cannabis around the United States and Europe, some old beliefs about Cannabidiol(CBD) and its derivative refused to die. 

While some of these myths can be easily dismissed others are dressed up as scientific “truths” and are being spread online to unsuspecting members of the public. The result is that some people get scared away from using CBD and are unable to benefit from its healing power.

In this article, we will debunk some of these popular myths.

Myth 1 – CBD will Make You High

Anyone who has tried CBD knows that this isn’t true. CBD does not cause any mind-altering states or altered perceptions. It is not only psychoactive, but it also counteracts the psychotropic properties of tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) which is the main ingredient of cannabis responsible for the altered state of mind. 

The effects of CBD are physically and mentally relaxing, but with a completely clear mind.

Myth 2 – CBD is Addictive

Fortunately, only a few people believe in this rumor, most of them are halfway enlightened to this point today. 

While this myth is gradually losing its grips, it is responsible for the negative image of CBD in some quarters.

The myth stems from the association of CBD with marijuana. This is wrong because the health-promoting cannabinoid is not addictive. Even the addiction linked to THC-rich cannabis is now being questioned by researchers. 

Myth 3 – All CBD are Equal

Nothing could be further from the truth. CBD can differ in the quality of raw material. 

Some methods of production which favors volume over quality may also impact the effectiveness of CBD. 

To start with, the best quality raw material is needed to make CBD – female cannabis flowers and petals. Some underground cultivation of cannabis involves excessive use of excessive fertilizers and pesticides.  

This problem arises because regulation is not uniform among states and demand often outstrips supply in some areas.

To get the full benefit of CBD, use products derived from natural and organically grown cannabis.

Thus, you not only need to buy CBD products but you must also lookout for high-quality ones such as 3 types of CBD patches from hkherbarium.

Myth 4 – CBD is derived from Marijuana

On the surface, this seems like a true statement. Marijuana is not a botanically correct term, it was heavily used during the heyday of the American drug war to stigmatize cannabis and all related products.

The confusion around CBD and marijuana is also due to the plant’s naming system. To clarify, cannabis is the scientific name of the genus. But the genus consists of three different species which are Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.

Marijuana is a type of cannabis with high THC content but low CBD and are valued for this purpose. It is different from other cannabis which is bred for their high CBD content. The IOP rehab New York City is using it to treat patients to over come their stress and anxiety issues.

CBD-rich cannabis is also being selectively bred. In recent years, breeders have created special varieties of cannabis for the production of CBD. This selection is being driven by the increased popularity of CBD. 

Myth 5 – CBD has no Medical Value

Although many studies were preclinical, studies have also been conducted on humans treated with CBD only. 

The studies showed CBD reduces the symptoms of schizophrenia and is very effective in reducing anxiety. The extensive researches were done in the treatment of pediatric epilepsy. Even a CBD-based drug “Epidiolex” has been approved by the FDA for treating seizures. It is, therefore, a fact that CBD has powerful medicinal benefits. 

Myth 6 – CBD works only for Minor Ailments

Some people who grudgingly accept the beneficial effects of CBD claims that it is only good for limited minor relieves just like getting a rest after a hard day’s job. But CBD has various disease-fighting applications.

Since CBD cannot be openly advertised as a medicine without approval, it is often promoted as a wellness product which makes it seem less effective.

However, awareness of the effects of CBD on serious conditions is rapidly improving. It has made headlines in the treatment of diseases such as epilepsy or multiple sclerosis.

From the discussion above, it is clear that CBD is a safe and effective product that you can use. Whether you want to try CBD patches or other products. Don’t let any myths hold you back!


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